21+ Must-Have Sims 4 Infant Mods for Adorable Gameplay
Looking for the best Sims 4 infant mods? I’ve got you! This article has everything you need for fun and varied gameplay with infants!
We all know that gameplay with infants is super cute but can be tough!
Babies’ needs decline way too fast, and even though it may be realistic, so many players skip this new life stage because of that. And you know what – I can’t blame them!
Anyhow, personally, I love this chapter of my Sims’ lives, and I want you to enjoy every moment with your baby—and this article will help you do that! 🧡
Lots of players, including me, complain about the visuals of the simplest baby animations, like the annoying rug under the newborn or weird-looking food for first feedings. Don’t even get me started! There’s A LOT to fix aesthetically, so I’ve found some mods to fix that.
And, of course, I’ve included gameplay mods for more realism! That means no more free diapers, haha 😜
By the way, if you’ve been looking for the most adorable pacifiers, check out this article: 19 Must-Have Sims 4 Infant Pacifier CC for Every Parent Sim.
Here you will find the cutest infant poses to capture the most significant events for the family album: 33 Sweetest Sims 4 Infant Poses That Will Make You Go Aww.
Enough talk, let’s get to it! Ready to update your mods?
This post is all about the best Sims 4 infant mods.
1. Infant & Toddler Medical Care: Sims 4 Infant Mod by Grumpy

I really miss having a good healthcare system in The Sims 4. I’m sure I’m not the only one who constantly uses mods that add new diseases, doctor visits, and more.
Babies need a doctor just as much as adults, maybe even more! With this Sims 4 infant mod by Grumpy, you can call a pediatrician at home, get vaccinations, or visit the clinic with your baby.
Plus, once the baby is born, they get their own medical record. It’s super realistic!
This mod adds so many new social interactions and moodlets. I can’t imagine playing without it!
2. Toggle Milestones Mod by TwistedMexi

I get that some people don’t like playing with babies and skip to the next stage. The gameplay with infants can be really tough.
If you can relate to this, this infant mod is a lifesaver! It unlocks all the boundaries for your baby, letting them move around, grab objects, and eat in a high chair without wasting too much time!
It’s super convenient whether you don’t play with babies much or need your little Sim to do something right away. Also, it’s perfect for shooting videos or creating stories. Plus, it helps fix that bug where boundaries disappear when you switch families.
Overall, this is a must-have mod for playing with infants!
3. Precious Moments: Sims 4 Infant Mod by Plumlace

This Sims 4 infant mod expands the usual interactions between parents and kids. It’s super useful if you don’t have the Parenthood game pack. You should definitely try it—there are lots of cute activities and moodlets!
Plus, changing diapers and breastfeeding come with unique benefits! 😉
4. Childcare Overhaul Infant Mod by QMBiBi

Have you ever felt like there’s literally nowhere to spend money on an infant in The Sims 4? Everything is basically free, and the family budget never runs out. It’s not very realistic!
This mod changes that, making your character buy the necessary things for baby care. Diapers, wipes, powders, and creams—you’ll need to buy all of it, and pretty often!
I’m sure many Simmers have dreamed of this. Let’s finally make it happen!
5. BOB Ultimate Diaper Bag by CoCo Games

Since we’re talking about baby hygiene, you should check out this functional cc diaper bag!
It looks soooo real! I’m sure your Sims will need it when traveling with their infants. All the important stuff should always be handy!
6. Babysitting Gigs: Sims 4 Infant Mod by A.Deep.Indigo

If you’ve got infants in your save, you’ll definitely need nannies at some point! That’s when the full-time babysitting career will come in handy!
Teenagers and students can join. Your Sim can either work a rabbit hole job or an active gig. If you go for the home gig, you’ll get a list of tasks to complete during the day.
It’s a great option for your teen Sims and for babies who need attention!
7. Baby Rug Override Mod by Hessa’s Sims

Admit it, does that rug under the baby annoy you too? I can’t stand looking at it!
First off, the default rug doesn’t always match my interior. And seriously, who puts carpet on carpet?
I was so happy when I found this Sims 4 infant mod that disables the children’s mat in the game. Sometimes, the simplest things are the best, right?
8. Toddlers and Infants at Parks and Other Places by Flauschtrud

Sometimes, the game misses the most obvious things. Like a spot just for families with babies and toddlers, kind of like a cat meeting place or a teen hangout.
I always see in movies how two moms meet in the park while walking their kids, and it becomes the start of a strong family friendship. I wanted to play out this plot, but getting two unfamiliar families together is tough.
Well, this Sims 4 infant mod solved all my problems! You should try it too! At the very least, public areas will finally come to life with children’s laughter!
9. Add Toddlers and Infants to Clubs, Free Club Perks Mod by Plzsaysike

This Sims 4 infant mod is one of the best mods I have! It adds super useful filters when creating clubs and makes club benefits free.
Now you can finally create a club for toddlers and infants (can someone explain why wasn’t this in the original game?). You can have full-fledged clubs for the little ones, private kindergartens, and home gatherings!
10. Highchair Overhaul Sims 4 Mod by QMBiBi

Changing food textures is a classic move for Sims 4 players. With this mod, you can make your infants’ food look more realistic and cute!
There are tons of options for different dishes and drinks, and you’ll need the original ingredients to make them. It’s perfect if you want to spice up and diversify your gameplay!
11. Slow Infant Needs: Sims 4 Infant Mod by Plumlace

This Sims 4 infant mod is a must-have!
I’m sure all of you have wished you could slow down how quickly infants’ needs decline in the game. I know kids in real life get hungry or sleepy fast, but in The Sims 4, it feels like their needs are way out of balance!
This mod slows down the needs by half! Now you’ll finally have time to do things besides just taking care of your baby. Your adult Sims will thank you 😂
12. Choose Infant Rug: Sims 4 Infant Mod by Zero’s Sims 4 Mods

Maybe for some of you, ditching the kids’ rug completely is too much. If that’s you, then check out this small mod!
It doesn’t get rid of the rug but gives you options with different colors. Now you can match the rug to your interior and still give your baby a soft spot to play on!
13. Call a Babysitter Sims 4 Infant Mod by LittleMsSam

Earlier in this post, I mentioned a mod that adds a nanny career to the game, which is cool for roleplaying as a nanny. But what if your Sim can’t take care of infants?
With this Sims 4 infant mod, you can call a teen you know to help out! You can also call up to 5 nannies at once and forget about baby care, but only until 6 pm 😉
I think this mod improves the nannies from the base game a big time. They look more realistic, and the new Sims nannies actually do their jobs!
14. No More Checking on Crying Babies, Toddlers or Infants Mod by Caigel

Are you also annoyed when your Sims keep checking on the infant for no reason?
I get that babies need attention (and that we just want to see them once in a while), but sometimes adult Sims go to them even when they don’t need anything. They’re just wasting time instead of doing important stuff!
This mod will fix that problem for good! No more annoying checks!
15. Default Baby Bottle Replacement Mod by Sims Labs

The Sims 4 is really missing important details sometimes. This mod will replace the baby bottle and make it look more realistic and cute!
Plus, you can choose a color and change it based on your mood! Perfect bottle feeding guaranteed!
16. Infant Food Override: Sims 4 Infant Mod by Insimnia

Speaking of details, you should check out this Sims 4 infant mod! It replaces the baby food in the game with store-bought purees that you see in real life.
I love this idea! The plain jars in The Sims just don’t look right to me. Plus, the new purees have way more appetizing and interesting flavors!
17. Functional Bottle Warmer Mod by Somik and Severinka

I can’t talk about baby food without showing you this awesome bottle warmer. Seriously, almost every mom has one like that in real life, so why should your Sims miss out?
This mod adds a bottle warmer to your game and gives you new recipe options for your kids! Try them all!
18. Base Game Infants Sleep on Stomach Sims 4 Mod by KaylaDot

I was totally shocked to learn that babies in the base game can’t roll over to sleep. It’s not a hard animation and should be available for everyone, not just those who bought the Growing Together expansion pack.
Thankfully, there’s this amazing Sims 4 infant mod that fixes it!
Now, all babies can sleep on their stomachs. Plus, they stay in one position longer while sleeping, which looks way more natural.
19. Less Eepy Infants by NateTheL0ser

Yay, I finally found what I’ve been looking for for so long! This mod makes it so your newborns need naps way less often.
Some of you might say that’s not realistic since babies sleep a lot in real life. But come on, we all know how fast time flies in The Sims 4. Let’s make the game more fun for our ideas and not waste all our time meeting needs.
What do you think?
20. Zodiac Signs Mod by Vicky Sims

Oh my gosh, the zodiac signs in Sims 4! This mod adds a zodiac sign system, plus tons of new moodlets and cool interactions!
Wondering why this is on the list of Sims 4 infant mods?
Well, the zodiac sign is automatically assigned to a Sim when they’re an infant. From that moment, your character gets a new identity that affects how they get along with others!
21. Baby Bath Seat Override Mod by Channel4Sims

You know, the infant bathing seat always looked kind of dirty and awkward to me. The texture is pretty bad, too… If you feel the same, this mod is perfect for you!
This Sims 4 infant mod repaints the bathing seat to make it look way nicer.
Plus, you can choose a totally different color for your game! Sometimes, little changes like this make the game so much more enjoyable!
22. Family Life: Sims 4 Infant Mod by JellyPaws

Any fans of family gameplay out there? You’ve gotta check out this Sims 4 infant mod! It adds more depth with new interactions among family members and even a new character trait (btw, the most amazing trait mods are here: 49+ Best Sims 4 Trait Mods for All Your Sims’ Unique Quirks).
A new version of the mod was added right after the infant update, so you’ll definitely find new ways to play and make the game more fun with newborns!
And that’s my list of the best Sims 4 infant mods!
Let me know which mods you already knew about, which ones were new to you, and which ones you’re downloading to your mods folder right now 😆
Also, what roundup post should I do next? I love getting your tips on the best custom content, so keep sending them my way! Until next, and happy simming!
This post was all about the best Sims 4 infant mods.
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